“And the day came when the risk to remain tight in a bud was more painful than the risk it took to blossom.” ~ This quote by Anais Nin!!! I remember when this quote found me 3 years ago… suddenly, upon reading it, everything got so clear. I realised where I was at that moment. And suddenly, I realised that there is a huge opportunity just in front of me, if I was ready to take that risk... Are you ready to take that risk? Have you been wondering how would that be? To realise that there is a potential for something else? To realise that you, too, can blossom, without having to keep feeling uncomfortable and tight in a bud? Restricted? Helpless? Hopeless? Stuck? Spring is coming. Your opportunity might be coming. Just saying! You can check in with yourself how it really feels like to be “tight in a bud”. You can explore where does it feel like that in your body. You can explore what makes you feel like that, what’s the real cause of it. Maybe you don’t want to stay, but you are procrastinating. You can explore that, too. Or maybe you want to stay a bit more. And you will be given tools to shift it if you want. You can go from tight bud to something beautiful that will be about to blossom. If you take the risk to show up. Be visible. Like bud to blossom. Translating from flower language to plain English.
We will work with a special technique that will allow you to consciously access your patterns and beliefs in your subconscious mind. It will help you uncover them so they can become visible for you. Then you can unblock them if they don’t serve you anymore and change them into more supportive & empowering ones. If you are willing to take the risk of course. You can find out more about how to do it here.
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Hi, I'm Bea!