Today is a very special time of our lives and these past few days probably were very special for many of you as well. How are you all feeling? Yeah..
I am feeling really overwhelmed... but, I have a good news for you: Social Media is and hopefully will always remain social, so we will always be able to connect no matter what is the current situation and limitations in our lives. Here are some tips to consider how you can turn this situation into opportunity and how to practice social distancing - yes, on social media :) ? Also an update on the workshops that seems to be the right decision now.
If you prefer to read rather than watch the video, here is the transcript:
There will be opportunities that will arise from this situation. No matter how our businesses and lives are impacted, there will be opportunities that we will be able to ride the wave on. One thing to consider is how can you move your business online? If you have an online store, perfect. That's great. You will be able to go forward with pushing out the online sales through your online stores, but those of you who have in-person events, workshops, workouts, meetings, services to offer, shops, stores that attract and rely on foot traffic, think about this opportunity. Will you be able to take them somehow online? If yes, that's great. There are really nice and creative ways to do that. And if you're stuck with ideas or overridden by fear maybe, and feeling stuck totally what to do, come and talk to me, come talk to others. Let's brainstorm in these situations because there are I'm sure ways to come out of this. Maybe not for everyone but it's good to keep those options open and social media will have a lot of opportunities for all of us to offer now as businesses and organisations to be on top of mind of people. This is the time, yes, this is the time to build a strong social media and online presence for your businesses. Maybe it's not going to generate sales or leads in the coming days, weeks, months, who knows how long this will all last, but this is definitely the time to build and create that awareness, the brand awareness that you are out there doing your thing and how are you going to be able to help your audience and your customers in the future. So building a good online social media presence I think is a really important and probably a really good thing to do these days - building that awareness, putting out those stories, maybe some behind the scenes if you're able to do that, maybe putting in some humour and it to keep people fresh and live and joyful through these challenging times. These are ways you can go forward even if you don't have an online store or an online option to generate those leads or sales. So make sure you grab this opportunity because it's going to pay off on the long term. Maybe it's not going to be next week. But on the long term, building your brand, your reputation, being in front of the people by sharing what you have to offer I think it's going to be really beneficial for everyone. Now, social distancing :) on social media. This is not going to definitely apply or necessarily apply... But I'm feeling really overwhelmed and in pain sometimes when I just look at my social media feeds these days. So how can you practice social distancing on social media? I think this is super important to keep sane and fresh and keep your energy levels up because there's going to be a lot of fear, a lot of information that you don't necessarily want to be fed to. And how can you protect yourself? Make sure you follow the right people in your social media feeds. Those who take you down, who are generating panic and fear, unfollow them, simple as it is, snooze them maybe for some time and make sure you curate that feed that you have as a private person, as a business person, because it's really going to be important to protect yourself. Also make sure you surround yourselves in person or online, whatever the opportunities are, with the right people who will be able to support you, lift you up and offer you some good feedback, uplifting vibes and go through this together, because this is a really important time to reach out and support each other. No matter at what stage of our lives we are, even, you know, I'm feeling strong and healthy, but mentally, I think I really need to take care of myself and watch how I'm going to go through this, not to let those bad energies just consume me because it's very dangerous, I think for me at least. I don't know how you deal with this if you have any good practices or best practices that you are doing? For some people it really works if they limit their time on social media. I know it's funny to say that and a bit controversial because I’m advocating for social media and how to use it for businesses, but more necessarily doesn't mean more in terms of quantity. It’s just really making sure we use it consciously, efficiently, strategically and that it serves us and our audiences as well. I hope my input on this topic helped you with some ideas. I will be back soon, online of course, and if you have any good tips or stories to share, or maybe a good laugh or something, make sure to drop it in the comments below. Let's support each other. Let's surround ourselves with good vibes and positivity in the cases when we can.
On another note, the workshops.
I wanted to let you know that I had to make a really hard call and go forward with cancelling my live events, my workshops. This just seems to be the best thing at this stage. So those of you who have booked your tickets already online or expressed interest, I will reach out to you personally to talk about what next and how to go forward. I have some alternative options to make sure we can go ahead and you can still go forward with the learning if it is important for you. I hope you have a fantastic day, and will see you soon. Bye for now!
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Hi, I'm Bea!